
Guest Post: With Attribution to Women Owned Law

What’s something you’re proud of but are hesitant to talk about? Here’s mine…

When my clients are recognized for an achievement, they often want to keep it quiet because, as proud as they are, they are reticent to say “look at me” to avoid appearing boastful. I have to say “deal with it” because they deserve it. Now, the tables are turned and I have to do as I say!

Thank you to Women Owned Law for selecting me for this wonderful distinction. It was fun to share details about my firm and about me personally so clients can know me more fully. I was also asked what advice I would offer new business owners.

Here are two pieces:
1. Surround yourself with people smarter than you, who can teach you new ideas, new approaches and new perspectives.
2. Be future-focused. Do not find comfort in the status quo. Always be looking for what’s next.

You’ll find my other advice in the Spotlight, and I invite you to take a look.

Thanks as well to all the smart, unstoppable and dedicated WOL women who thrive by lifting each other up.


Barbara S. Kaplan
Founder & CEO – BSK Strategies 

Tell us about your firm or business including history, specialization, and years in business. BSK Strategies is a Philadelphia-headquartered law firm consultancy with a national client base of individual lawyers, and small and mid-sized firms. I have worked with firms of every type and style, each with a unique culture and set of challenges. I am fortunate to have corporate, full-service, boutique, niche, personal injury and class action firms as well as small entrepreneurial businesses as clients.

Tell us an interesting fact about you. I have a master’s degree in French and lived in France for a year. As funny as this sounds, all my passwords are in French so I can smile when I logon to any site!

What’s a favorite moment of your career so far? I always say that the marketplace tells you who you are. A thrill for me is in experiencing a new group of clients – many of whom find me on LinkedIn – and who seek me out to help them move to a second career, often to leverage the knowledge and skills they have acquired over several decades in leadership roles in law firms and now want to create a different kind of legacy. Working with these clients is a wonderful journey in rebranding, repackaging, storytelling, setting up new referral systems and establishing a new kind of thought leadership.

What challenge are you most proud of overcoming? When I was young, most women who worked had jobs, but not careers. A career was a concept that was not in my frame of reference early on. Now, I have a career that I absolutely love. My greatest delight is helping women create a personal brand that distinguishes them and ensures that they stand out for those attributes and qualities that make them unique. Part of that is the challenge of ridding ourselves of the dreaded Imposter Syndrome that holds us back and keeps us small. We tackle that, too, and what a thrill it is to see a woman realize she is unstoppable!

Tell us about a recent professional accomplishment of yours. I wrote an article on Personal Branding that was first published by Attorney at Work, a daily online publication on the business of building a thriving legal career and law firm. It was then discovered by Columbia Law School and is now included as electronic course material for its class on law firm marketing.

Tell us about a recent personal accomplishment of yours. When my father passed away, I realized that I wanted to do something unusual and special to honor him. I embarked on a two-year course of study with other women in my synagogue, which culminated in my adult Bat Mitzvah. It was an unbelievable moment of pride, and to this day it is chills-making.

What advice would you offer new business owners?

  • Challenge yourself.
  • Surround yourself with people smarter than you, who can teach you new ideas, new approaches and new perspectives.
  • Be future-focused. Do not find comfort in the status quo. Always be looking for what’s next.
  • Network all the time. Network is not a verb; it’s a noun. Your network is your net worth.
  • Always make sure you’re in the room where it happens.

How can you help other Women Owned Law members improve their businesses? I felt such pride when a former client and WOL member told me that I gave her wings, and the skills and confidence to soar. It’s a privilege to work with WOL women, and use my skills and resources to help them reach their full professional potential.

How has Women Owned Law been of value to you and your career? WOL is a treasure trove of amazing women who are smart, unstoppable, dedicated to their careers and each other. They thrive by lifting each other up. I learn from them, am enchanted by their stories, and consider them role models.


About Women Owned Law

Women Owned Law is a ground-breaking group created to connect and advance women legal entrepreneurs. WOL supports its members and other women entrepreneurs in the law in their business endeavors at every point in the business lifecycle. We advocate on behalf of women legal entrepreneurs and have been instrumental in raising the profile of women entrepreneurs in the law.

For additional information about Women Owned Law