
Embrace Those Unexpected Opportunities!

The ability to shift focus is critical. How is it that some organizations can do it and others cannot? Quite possibly, there has never been a time marked by such intense disruption and a consequential level of uncertainty about how, when or, if at all, the challenges can be addressed. These circumstances also provide a […]

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Taking Clients from Satisfaction to Loyalty

In our disruptive economy, where the balance of power has shifted and a buyer’s market prevails, customer/client loyalty is rare and precious. How do you move beyond satisfaction to a secure and lasting relationship that is a continuing source of additional business? These clients become your ambassadors. Now, that’s loyalty. If you have earned satisfaction, […]

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Connection: The New Competitive Edge

Let’s face it. The disruptive economy has shifted the balance of power. It’s a buyer’s market. Customers are more informed. Loyalty appears to be a thing of the past. The customer calls the shots . . . not the firm. Current conversation about customer engagement tends to emphasize the online experience. Yet, the real differentiator for business […]

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