Ever the proponent of taking lessons from other industries and thinking beyond the boundaries of the ones I inhabit everyday, I think about the word “brand” in the context of products I’ve known all my life. Interestingly, their look/shape, packaging, consumer promise, taste, smell and performance are just as they were when I first came to […]
Best-in-class lessons in business often come from industries other than our own. I look for them in all sorts of places. Here is one such lesson from Shark Tank that is right on for all of us. I am passionate about this reality TV show and, in response to quizzical looks, often feel compelled to justify my […]
In our disruptive economy, where the balance of power has shifted and a buyer’s market prevails, customer/client loyalty is rare and precious. How do you move beyond satisfaction to a secure and lasting relationship that is a continuing source of additional business? These clients become your ambassadors. Now, that’s loyalty. If you have earned satisfaction, […]
Body language is about stance, eye contact, movement, facial expression and the use of space. It sends cues about some of our most fundamental traits such as honesty, collaboration style, negotiation skills, ability to reach agreement, sense of power, and actual work performance. Clients, employers, colleagues and others who have influence pick up quickly on […]
Prune your client list. Remove the duds. Delete the ones that drain you, you don’t enjoy or wish you had had the courage to turn away. Instead, fill your portfolio with clients that you do enjoy who are motivated to do the heavy lifting to build the business they want and work from a place […]
It’s a challenge all businesses face – how to grab and keep the attention of millennials, a generation that represents one-quarter of the population and $200 billion in annual buying power. These 18 to 34 year olds are often characterized by: • Relative lack of attachment to traditional institutions and organizations • Leading-edge digital and […]
“The Boss” gives us timeless lessons on reinforcing an enduring brand. Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Band are synonymous with timeless American rock, but one could make the argument that their genius also lies in their ability to illicit undying loyalty from legions of fans. From the beginning, dating back to their days in […]